Steinberg, W. J., University of the Free State, South Africa
Vol 60, No 3 (2018): May/June - Original Research
Anthropometric profile and complications in patients with diabetes mellitus seen at Maluti Adventist Hospital, Lesotho
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Vol 60, No 4 (2018): July/August - Original Research
Risk factors and HIV infection among patients diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis at a regional/tertiary hospital in Kimberley, South Africa
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Vol 60, No 5 (2018): September/October - Original Research
Prevalence of healthcare-associated infection at a tertiary hospital in the Northern Cape Province, South Africa
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Vol 61, No 1 (2019): January/February - Research Articles
The profile of deliberate self-poisoning cases presenting at the emergency department of Pelonomi Regional Hospital, Bloemfontein
Abstract PDF